Eze was giving the whole thing some thought. I know that he was planning on being by himself, but I felt a burning desire to do this, and I wasn’t going to let him not take me.
After mulling it over for what seemed like an eternity, he stood up and pushed some of the tree further into the fire and casually stated, “Maybe in a few days, I don’t have an itinerary. I need to fix a few things on the truck and change out the fluids.”
“That’s great!” I said enthusiastically. “I’ll go into work early and put in for my vacation. This is going to be great!”
Ashley was smiling when she suddenly pulled me in and kissed me deep. I didn’t have time to pull away this time because it was already happening before I realized it. Her lips were full and soft, and, and wet…and wonderful. This was amazing. She was so pretty, and she tasted so good.
She stopped and opened her eyes slowly. Suddenly, her eyes opened wide, “What the hell Pooh? Were you staring at me while I was kissing you?”
Was I supposed to close my eyes? Why did people do that when they kissed? “Uh, yes ma’am, because you’re so pretty. You looked so beautiful kissing me, and I wanted to remember it.” I said. “It was even better than I imagined it would be.”
“What do you mean? Wait, was that the first time you ever kissed anyone before?” Christina giggled.
“Yes ma’am.” I said shyly. Why would I tell her that? Now, they were going to laugh at me, and Eze probably wouldn’t let me go with him.
Ashley put her hand on the back of my neck, and pulled me in closer than before, “Come here cowboy, only this time close your eyes.”
I did and she began kissing my neck with light pecks and then kissed my cheeks and around my lips. I was floating on a cloud. I started to kiss her back when Christina pulled us apart and said “My turn, you’re not teaching him right Ash!” She then began kissing me deeper and more aggressively than Ashley had. I kissed her back too, but I couldn’t keep up.
Ashley climbed behind me and pulled my lips to hers again kissing me harder than before.
“Hot damn Pooh, I’m gonna have to remember that line about never being kissed, that’s awesome!” Tuck said as he got closer. “Can I have some of that?”
Both Ashley and Christina stopped kissing me and looked at him “Hell no! He saved your life today!”
I was in some kind of a trance, but I heard what they said. Tuck was going to tell them what really happened, and they would stop kissing me.
“You’re absolutely right ladies! How rude of me!” he said.
Eze looked over with a warning eye and half of a smile, “Here it comes!”
Tuck moved in close to Christina and looked her in the eyes and smiled, then he started to lean into Ashley and quickly turned and grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips right in front of everyone!
“Whoop, there he goes!” Eze yelled.
“Thank you man, you saved my life! Thank you!” He tried to kiss me again while everyone was laughing, and I jumped up, “We’re good! Don’t mention it!”
Tuck winked at me and then gave both Ashley and Christina a firm kiss on the lips. “He’s a better man than me. You were right to call me on my manners ladies,” as he turned to the rest of the party, “Now, who wants to get drunk?”
Yells and whoops came from everywhere as he tapped another keg. A group of five girls came up and looked at how pretty Ashley and Christina were and then at me and one of them said, “We heard about you saving Tuck’s life today with Eze. Ya’ll look really close, and we think that’s cool.” She leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips and whispered “If your girlfriends get mad come find me, I’m Bethany.”
Her four friends stood in line, and one by one kissed and thanked me for saving Tuck. Did I miss something? What was this all about? Why all of these girls were suddenly attracted to me, and kissing me left me without a clue. Did Eze say something to them? Why did Tuck wink at me? Why did he kiss me?
“Are you done kissing the whole party?” Ashley said with a slightly jealous tone. She sat me down next to her and laid down on my lap looking into my eyes. “You better kiss me before anyone else comes to thank you.”
I leaned down and kissed her ever so gently on the lips. I think that I was starting to get the hang of this. I liked it too. She moaned in my mouth, just a little. I think she was starting to like it too.
“Either you two get a room, or let me have some too!” Christina said edging Ashley slightly off to the side. She kissed me some more, just not as hard this time, and Ashley started kissing my chest and around the back of my neck.
I felt something welling up inside of me that I had never felt before. I had to stop this before I exploded. I pushed them off, and jumped up, “Okay, ladies, uh, can I get you something to drink?” I asked, needing an excuse to get away for a few minutes and settle down. I had to pee awful bad too.
“Sure, can we have a wine cooler?” Ashley said.
“I’ll see what I can find.” I hurried into the trailer through a back door and into a bathroom. I closed and locked the door. I couldn’t get the jeans unbuttoned fast enough. I thought that I was going to pee all over myself. Who puts buttons on jeans?
The pee was coming, and there was no way that I was going to be able to stop it. I was still fully erect from all of the kissing. I was sore too. It was like someone had kicked me in the stomach. I finally got enough of the buttons opened but couldn’t point it at the toilet. I was in panic mode now! I had to pee bad, but there was no way that I was going to hit the toilet standing up. I tried to sit down but that hurt more and I was still aiming up. It wouldn’t bend down enough. Even when I leaned forward I couldn’t be sure of getting any in the toilet.
It was coming now and I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I jumped up and into the shower and started peeing everywhere. I kept lifting my feet so as not to pee on Eze’s boots. I had one hand on the wall and was leaning as far over as I could, but it was just hitting the wall, and starting to run down the side of the tub, and onto the floor! What was this all about?
I stood there for nearly a full minute peeing on the shower wall. Most of it ended up on the bathroom floor, but I couldn’t stop peeing. My stomach still hurt, but at least I had a little relief. I had to be careful not to get pee on the jeans that Eze let me borrow.
I checked the soles on the boots, and they were still dry, so I climbed out of the tub. I turned the shower on and rinsed everything down. This was so embarrassing. I can’t believe that I had to pee like that. Why was I so sore down there?
I started pulling lots of paper from the roll, and soaking up as much of my pee that I could. It took the entire roll of paper, and about twelve flushes to get everything cleaned up from the vinyl floor. Thank God it wasn’t carpet!
Eze knocked, “You okay Amigo? You taking a shower to cool off?”
I opened the door while trying to button the jeans. “I don’t know what just happened, but I peed in your shower. Why do you have buttons on your jeans instead of a zipper? I almost peed in them because I couldn’t get them unbuttoned fast enough.”
He was laughing at me, “You peed in my shower? I guess I would have too, if I had all of those pretty girls kissing on me like that. I think they like you. You’re welcome from me and Tuck, but you don’t have to thank us, it was worth it just to watch.”
Thank them? I knew they said something to those girls. “What did you tell them?” I asked.
“You heard what I told them about saving Tuck. It gave you instant credibility with them. It showed them that you thought of a friend first, and that’s exactly what Tuck did for you. He stayed with my story to help you, so he kissed you to show everyone else that you were one of us! You see, when Amigo’s are tight, they can hug each other, and do things that might look queer, but it’s all in fun. Women see that, and respect it. Don’t you go to thinking Tuck is a faggot either, ‘cause he ain’t. He’s banged at least a dozen different women tonight, that I know of. I have to admit though, him kissing you was a little over the top, even for him, but sometimes that’s what it takes, and it worked didn’t it?”
He was right. No one even noticed me until Eze told everyone that I had saved Tuck’s life. Once Tuck kissed me, they all just lined up. I hope that I never have to kiss another man for any reason. That was awkward. Besides, he tasted like beer and marijuana.
I finally got the last button buttoned when Eze said, “No zipper dick!”
“No what?” I asked, confused.
“You can’t get your dick caught in the zipper if you don’t have one. You’ve never heard of anyone getting button-dick have you? Think about it.”
“No, I have never heard of that happening to anyone before, but if you put it in your underwear first it probably wouldn’t happen with a zipper either.” I said, as we walked into the kitchen.
Eze reached into the refrigerator and got a pack of wine coolers out, “You’ve never caught your dick in a zipper before?”
I thought about it and said “I don’t know, maybe when I was a kid. I don’t think that it has happened to me recently.”
“That’s a good thing. I’m sure that you were wearing underwear when it happened and that didn’t stop it from happening! I go commando most of the time, and I prefer the buttons. Women like them too. They get a kick out of hearing them bust open when they tug both sides. I like keeping them happy. Here, give these to your girlfriends and don’t tell them that you’ve got blue balls.”
“I have the blue balls? What does that mean?”
Eze had his own smirk of disbelief when he looked at me surprised, “You’re kidding right? I guess not, if you’ve never been kissed then you’re probably a virgin too.”
I tried looked away, and then back at him with a solemn face.
He smiled into my eyes, as he slapped me on the back of my shoulder. “Yep, you are! I kinda figured that when you first drove up, but was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
He spoke in a fatherly voice and explained, “Blue balls is when a woman gets you all worked up and excited down there. After awhile, the pressure continues to build and build. If nothing happens to provide a release for that pressure, well, it just builds up and makes you feel like you’ve been kicked in the balls by a mule! The only cure is to get laid, or jack-off!”
I was stunned that we were having this conversation. “Really? It hurts bad. I know that I will not be having sex with anyone tonight. I am not going to masturbate myself either.”
“Well Amigo, both are abundantly clear as evidenced by the fact that you peed all over my shower!” He continued with his smirk. It didn’t feel like it was making fun of me to insult me, it was more like he was trying to diffuse my obvious embarrassment and frustration.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell them, just be aware of what you’re getting yourself into when you start something that you can’t finish. It happens every time!” He laughed and walked out the door.
I didn’t know these girls, and was sure that we weren’t having sex tonight. I had waited my whole life for the right girl to come along for my first kiss. I wanted it to be special for both of us and within about ten minutes I had been kissed by seven different women and one very different man! I didn’t want to have sex with any of those girls, or did I? I knew that I didn’t want to have sex with Tuck!
I was really confused because I had always been taught to save myself for marriage. It was easy, I never even had to think about it until now. I didn’t think about a lot of things until a few hours ago.
How was all of this possible, so fast? I was at my first party. The love of my life was a party whore, and a pothead. People thought I was a hero. I got my first kiss from a girl. I got my first and hopefully last kiss from a guy. I was going to take my first vacation, and in a few days, I would be leaving everything that I knew behind.
Who needed to get drunk or do drugs? Being around Eze changed everything. It was like being in a whirlwind and not knowing when or where you would touch down. At least it was better than doing the same thing everyday.
He seemed to be genuinely concerned about me, and a good guy. I wasn’t sure about most of the things that he talked about, but he was.
I walked back to the fire and Christina ran up to me and grabbed the wine coolers. “We thought that someone stole you away from us!” She kissed me again and said, “Thanks for the drinks Sweetie, we missed you.”
“We sure did!” said Ashley, as she kissed me too and pulled me onto a hay bale between both of them.
and the adventure begins…..